Tájékoztatjuk Tisztelt Ügyfeleinket, hogy a Kormány az 1312/2016 (VI.13.) Korm. határozatával döntött arról, hogy a Közigazgatási és Elektronikus Közszolgáltatások Központi Hivatala (KEKKH) jogutódlással 2016. december 31 - ével megszűnt. Ezúton szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmét arra, hogy jelen weblap archív honlapként működik, tartalma nem frissül. Kérjük, hogy az aktuális információért keresse fel az illetékes jogutódok által működtetett honlapokat (nyilvantarto.hu, web-lak.hu, kormanyhivatal.hu). Okmányügyeiket változatlanul, személyesen a kormányablakokban (Részletes információ: https://kormanyablak.hu/hu) és az okmányirodákban, interneten a „Webes Ügysegéd” segítségével intézhetik, valamint ügyintézéssel kapcsolatos általános tájékoztatással 0-24 órában a 1818-as telefonszámon elérhető Kormányzati Ügyfélvonal áll a rendelkezésükre.

EUCARIS is the EUropean CAR and driving license Information System. EUCARIS is a unique system that provides opportunities to countries to share their car and driving licence registration information, helping to fight car theft and registration fraud. EUCARIS is developed by and for governmental authorities. The following 3 groups of information can be exchanged by the system:

  • vehicle information
  • owner/holder information
  • driving license information

EUCARIS not only contributes to the prevention, detection and prosecution of violations of the law, the system also plays a part in keeping the national vehicle and driving licence records accurate and up-to-date. The quick exchange of data increases the efficiency, efficacy and accuracy of administrative procedures and the registers.

The use of EUCARIS means that vehicle documents and cars from other countries being users of the system are checked before re-registration; thus frauds and crimes can be filtered out and prevented effectively.

Hungary’s benefit of participation in EUCARIS Treaty

The participation in the EUCARIS system advances the checking of imported vehicles to a great extent. In addition to ensuring the possibility of direct control in foreign registers, it increases the efficiency of competent authorities’ criminal prosecution activity, and definitely reduces the administration time spent with checking.

By establishing our direct link to foreign data bases, control expenditures can be dramatically reduced, subsequently they can be reallocated to other IT developments planned by the Office.

Currently, in the Hungarian part of the EUCARIS system we can provide only vehicle registration data to other Member States’ users in automated form and so we can get data from their vehicle register as well.

The EUCARIS register automatically retrieves data through the central server from the vehicle register. Since the EUCARIS system has been used, significantly less crime related vehicles have been registered in Hungary.

Although the EUCARIS system allows querying data relating to driving licences, in absence of national legislation Hungary can not ensure this communication yet.

The owner/holder data exchange associated with the relating address information is realized by our Office in the framework of so-called Prüm functions development based on the Prüm decisions of the European Union. Pursuant to the relevant EU legislation the Prüm functions development of EUCARIS system is an obligatory requirement for all 27 EU Member States. Therefore its utilization – following its live operation in all 27 Member States - will result the actual data exchange between the member states.